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Represents a TwinfinityViewer, which is responsible for rendering and interacting with a 3D scene. There can only be one TwinfinityViewer.




addOrUpdateProductOptions: { meshMerge: { deadline: number; sleepInMs: number } } = ...

Type declaration

  • meshMerge: { deadline: number; sleepInMs: number }
    • deadline: number
    • sleepInMs: number


canvas: HTMLCanvasElement


grid: GridOptions = ...


keyboard: Keyboard


onPointerObservable: Observable<DeepImmutableObject<PointerInfoWithTimings>> = ...

Subscribe to get access to pointer events (mouse, touchpad etc) and to determine what (if anything) a mouse click interacted with (what object was ‘picked’ in the 3D scene).


performance: { forceRenderingTimeoutInMs: number; idleRenderingTimeoutInMs: number; ifc: { hideExpensiveMeshesOnCameraMove: { delayUntilCullingStops: number; isEnabled: boolean; keepMeshesNearPivotPoint: boolean; keepMeshesNearPointOfInterest: boolean; pickBoundingSphereRadius: number } }; isBackfaceCullingEnabled: boolean; isPaused: boolean }

Performance options.

Type declaration

  • forceRenderingTimeoutInMs: number

    If &lt;= 0 then frames are always rendered regardless if user is doing something or not. If &gt; 0 and if idleRenderingTimeoutInMs &gt; 0 then one frame is always rendered whenever this interval has passed. Default is 1500

  • idleRenderingTimeoutInMs: number

    If &lt;= 0 then frames are always rendered regardless if user is doing something or not. If &gt; 0 and also forceRenderingTimeoutInMs &gt; 0 then rendering stops when camera has been stationary for this many milliseconds. As soon as camera is moved rendering resumes in full again. Default is 10000

  • readonlyifc: { hideExpensiveMeshesOnCameraMove: { delayUntilCullingStops: number; isEnabled: boolean; keepMeshesNearPivotPoint: boolean; keepMeshesNearPointOfInterest: boolean; pickBoundingSphereRadius: number } }

    Performance settings only applicable to IFC objects.

    • readonlyhideExpensiveMeshesOnCameraMove: { delayUntilCullingStops: number; isEnabled: boolean; keepMeshesNearPivotPoint: boolean; keepMeshesNearPointOfInterest: boolean; pickBoundingSphereRadius: number }

      Hides expensive models when rotating or moving the camera to increase performance. A bounding sphere will be created around the pivot point when moving the camera, any mesh intersecting that sphere will not be hidden.

      • delayUntilCullingStops: number

        Delay until culling stops after camera stops moving in miliseconds.

      • isEnabled: boolean
      • keepMeshesNearPivotPoint: boolean

        Keeps meshes near the intersection between the pivot point and the model.

      • keepMeshesNearPointOfInterest: boolean

        Keeps meshes near the intersecion between the 3d model and the cameras forward vector.

      • pickBoundingSphereRadius: number

        Radius of bounding sphere that will be created around the pivot point to check for meshes to keep.

  • isBackfaceCullingEnabled: boolean

    Specifies whether backface culling is enabled or not. Backface culling is a technique used in 3D computer graphics to improve rendering performance by discarding polygons that are not visible to the viewer. When backface culling is enabled, only the front-facing polygons are rendered, while the back-facing polygons are discarded. If geometries are not rendered correctly (they have “holes”), try setting to false. This will make rendering slower but geometries with incorrect polygon windingorder will be rendered correctly. This is a global setting and affects all geometries in the scene.

  • isPaused: boolean

    Set to true to disable rendering all together. Default is true.


scene: Scene


statistics: { addOrUpdateProducts: { meshAllocateMemoryTime: number; meshCreationTime: number; meshMergeTime: number; totalTime: PerfCounter }; mesh: { count: PerfCounter; triangleCount: PerfCounter; verticeCount: PerfCounter } } = ...

Type declaration

  • addOrUpdateProducts: { meshAllocateMemoryTime: number; meshCreationTime: number; meshMergeTime: number; totalTime: PerfCounter }
    • meshAllocateMemoryTime: number
    • meshCreationTime: number
    • meshMergeTime: number
    • totalTime: PerfCounter
  • mesh: { count: PerfCounter; triangleCount: PerfCounter; verticeCount: PerfCounter }
    • count: PerfCounter
    • triangleCount: PerfCounter
    • verticeCount: PerfCounter


visualSettings: VisualSettings

Controls the visual settings of the viewer. See VisualSettings for more information.


Visual settings are things like global lightning but also how transparency is handled for IFC objects etc.



  • get adaptiveMinZ(): boolean
  • set adaptiveMinZ(enabled: boolean): void
  • Controls wheter to automatically adapt the near plane of the camera to preserve precision when viewing far away IFC objects when there are no close IFC objects

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • enabled: boolean

    Returns void


  • get axes(): boolean
  • set axes(isEnabled: boolean): void
  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • isEnabled: boolean

    Returns void



  • get engine(): Engine
  • Returns Engine


  • get globalLight(): HemisphericLight
  • @deprecated

    Should not be used, there should exist a API method for changing lighting Should this be removed? Is it used by Jaxel? Otherwise normal constructor injection should be used

    Returns HemisphericLight


  • get ifcRootNode(): TransformNode
  • Returns TransformNode


  • get isSkyboxEnabled(): boolean
  • set isSkyboxEnabled(enabled: boolean): void
  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • enabled: boolean

    Returns void


  • get isTouch(): boolean
  • Returns boolean






  • Adds or updates the environment settings for the viewer.


    • boundingInfo: BoundingInfo

      AABB. This method calculates the starting position for the camera based on the provided boundingInfo. It ensures that the entire boundingInfo is visible and sets the maximum z-coordinate of the camera to a value that allows everything to be visible. Additionally, it creates a skybox and sets its position and scaling based on the boundingInfo. The skybox is only visible if the isSkyboxEnabled property is set to true.

    Returns void


  • buildingMeshes(): IterableIterator<Mesh>
  • Returns IterableIterator<Mesh>


  • clear(): void
  • Returns void


  • enableDepthRenderer(storeNonLinearDepth: boolean): ShortFrustumDepthRenderer
  • Creates a renderer that that writes out the scenes depth to a render target texture which can be sampled for various uses like SSAO and line detection. Unlike Babylonjs standard depth renderer, this renderer applies a custom depth material to the IFC meshes to be able to dicard the depth writes for fragments that are invisible


    • storeNonLinearDepth: boolean

      Wheter or not the custom depth renderer material should write the depth linearly or logarithmic

    Returns ShortFrustumDepthRenderer

    The depth renderer


  • getAndUpdatePickCamera(rayOrScreenCoordinate?: Ray | CanvasPosition): TargetCamera
  • @deprecated

    Use pick instead.


    Returns TargetCamera



  • isDebugLayerEnabled(isEnabled?: boolean): Promise<boolean>
  • Enables or disables the debug layer. Will only be available if the module ‘import “@twinfinity/core/dist/Debug’ has also been added to the application. Adding it will generate extra .js files during bundling (which are quite large) and will increase build times. The extra files are loaded on demand though (when debug layer becomes enabled for the first time).


    • optionalisEnabled: boolean

      true to enable. Otherwise false. If Not specified then current state of debug layer is returned.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise which when resolved is true if layer is enabled. Otherwise false


  • pick(pickingCamera: TargetCamera, textureSizePow2?: number, doIntersectionTestOnGeometry?: boolean, saveRenderedGpuPickingSceneTexture?: boolean): PickResult
  • @deprecated

    Use pick instead.


    • pickingCamera: TargetCamera
    • textureSizePow2: number = 16
    • doIntersectionTestOnGeometry: boolean = false
    • saveRenderedGpuPickingSceneTexture: boolean = false

    Returns PickResult



  • Enables or disables a clip plane, indexed from 1 to 6. Enabling a clip plane means that all geometry inside the clip plane will not be rendered. Note that this is only clipping for the IFC models, regular Babylon meshes needs to have clipping applied through the clip planes in Babylons scene Like this:, the docs says that only 4 planes are available, but there are 6


    • clipPlaneOptions: ClipPlaneOptions

      An object with the options for enabling or disabling clip planes

    Returns void


  • setDitheringDepthDiscardMode(ditherDiscardDepth: boolean): void
  • Set the currently used dither mode for solid objects that are dithered, never for transparent objects, even if the transparency mode is dithering


    • ditherDiscardDepth: boolean

      Wheter or not to discard fragments in the depth shader that are dithered, this is needed for transparent objects to not write to the depth buffer

    Returns void


  • setDitheringMode(ditherMode: DitheringTextureMode, animatedFrames: number): void
  • Set the dither mode and animated frames used for dithering


    • ditherMode: DitheringTextureMode

      What dithering mode to use, bayer uses a bayer matrix to determine which pixels to render opaque, blue noise uses a blue noise texture

    • animatedFrames: number

      How many frames to use for the dithering animation when moving the camera, if 1 then no animation is used. Works best with Blue Noise

    Returns void


  • Changes how transparency is handled for transparent IFC objects


    • transparencyMode: TransparencyMode

      The type of rendering that will be used for all transparent IFC objects, dithering means that pixels are rendered opaque but skipping every few pixels in a screen pattern depending on the opacity Seethrough is normal alpha blending

    Returns void


  • wakeRenderLoop(): void
  • Forces render loop to temporarily wake up if it is sleeping

    Returns void
