Returns LineUtil
Type parameters
- T: Vertex3
center: Vertex3
Center point on the plane to create the line from
normal: Vertex3
The normal of the plane
camera: Camera
The camera used to scale the line size
scale: number
The scale with which to scale the line with
dst: [T, T]
An array of Vertex3 to put the result in
Returns [T, T]
The array dst, populated by the two new points making up a line on the plane
Creates a line from a center that is scaled with the camera distance to the plane
Type parameters
- T: Vertex3
center: Vertex3
Center point on the plane to create the line from
normal: Vertex3
The normal of the plane
camera: Camera
The camera used to scale the line size
scale: number
The scale with which to scale the line with
parent: TransformNode
The parent of which the parents world matrix is used to transform the points on the line with
dst: [T, T]
An array of Vertex3 to put the result in
Returns [T, T]
The array dst, populated by the two new points making up a line on the plane
Creates two points on a plane to form a line, from a point on that plane
Type parameters
- T: Vertex3
centerOnPlane: Vertex3
The center between the two points on the plane
size: number
the size of the line, so the distance between the two points
dst: [T, T]
An array of two vertex3 where the result is stored
Returns [T, T]
The same thing as the param dtys
Contains utility functions for lines.